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Monday, January 02, 2006

1, 2, 3, FOUR

I'm copying Julie...Cuz she's sooo pretty!

1. Four jobs you've had in your life.
A. Secretary
B. Admin Assistant (Glorified Secretary)
C. Benefit Administrator

2. Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
A. Steel Magnolias
B. When Harry Met Sally
C. Eddie Murphy Delirious (I got some ice cream...)
D. Curly Top (Shirly Temple)

3. Four TV shows you enjoy
A. Roseanne
B. Ryan's Hope (Yes the soap..It's on Soap Network)
C. Everybody Loves Raymond
D. Friends (Haveall 10 Seasons!)

3 (part two). Four CURRENT TV shows you enjoy
A. Medium
B. Nip/Tuck
C. Charmed
D. My Name is Earl

4. Four Memorable Vacations
1. Disneyland
2. Disneyland
3. Disneyland
4. Vegas BABY!

5. Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Celebritybabyblogs
2. My friend's blogs...You know who you are
3. KCRA (check the triple doppler)
4. dooce

6. Four Favorite Foods
1. Dr. Pepper
2. Bread
3. Salmon
4. Pasta

7. Four Places I'd Rather Be
1. In Bed
2. In a cabin in the snow, with a warm fire
3. Giggling with Autumn as we play the Sims and get abducted by aliens!
4. With my good pals (Yes you reading this right now!)

K, your turn

posted by Autumn's Mom at 10:23 PM