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Location: Northern California, United States

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Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The Day After

My sister in law asked me yesterday if I got any presents. I have to admit I was a little irked. She knows we don't usually exchange presents for some trivial holiday like Valentine's Day. So why ask? To rub it in that I didn't get anything?? haha Or maybe she's the eternal optimist and hopes that one of these days her brother is gonna come through and hook a sista up! Girls, yesterday was ONE OF THOSE DAYS! I had a pretty good day. I received a yummy chocolate w/ almonds bar from a co-worker and a single pink rose. Normally, that would be it. When my husband got home, I already had my PJ's on and decided that I didn't really want to drive out of town for dinner. We could just order in.

He walks in, like usual, and says "you know I didn't get you anything for Valentine's Day?"

Me, "Yeah, it's cool."

Him, "I was thinking that we could go away for the weekend. We could take some money out of savings."

Me getting up from the floor, "Really???"

Me running to the computer to book a hotel.

Me with a really silly looking grin on my face.

Me, hoping that wasn't just a dream.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:34 AM