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Location: Northern California, United States

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Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Battle For Control

The husband and I had a heart to heart talk last night over some frying chicken. We discussed all kinds of yucky grown up things like him taking a lesser paying job for the job security, retirement, taxes and my credit card. What could have been a knock down drag out fight over the finances turned into a rational conversation where many compromises were reached. I'm patting myself on my back again right now. See, we don't communicate that well. This conversation was one for the record books.

I'm not going to go into all the gory details here, my internet friends. I will leave that to your imagination. But, I will tell you one of the compromises I DID make. I let my husband shred my beloved platinum credit card. The card and I had been together for awhile. You see, we had this love/hate relationship. I loved going shopping with it. I took it with me everywhere...Target, Starbucks, Coach. We had lots of good times. And with the good, comes the bad. The bill just kept climbing and climbing. I wasn't just treading water, this card would turn into a whale and drag me down to the bottom of the ocean. So, last night while we were having this heart to heart about bills, I kept trying to come clean. Turns out I didn't have to find a way. He just flat out asked me, "How much?" My head bobbed above water and said, "A lot". What a relief! I'd been carrying this secret for some time now. And now it was out. I told him how much. He agreed to not kill me. He will take on more responsibility for paying some of the bills, I will continue to pay some bills and we will discuss these things a lot more in the future. I felt so free and relieved and really just out of my mind that I didn't even wait for him to ask. I went into my wallet and gave him my Precious and watched him shred it. To make me feel better, he gave me his Honda credit card that he'd been saving for a sunny day when he'd purchase a new motorcycle. I got to shred that. I told him though, that it was just a card. He still had the credit and when we pay off mine, he was more than welcome to get a new bike. I'm just cool like that.

Today is a new day. I feel hopefull that my debt will be paid. That I won't have to carry this huge burden by myself anymore. There are other burdens waiting to jump on my back. But I can handle them. Sorry LD...No more Coach for me. I can still go browse with you though. I'm glad I finally found THE ONE!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:18 AM