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Location: Northern California, United States

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End of the World?
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Tuesday, June 13, 2006


School is almost out for summer. Now is the time where we try and plan activities to keep young minds occupied and out of trouble. We have a week's break before the Youth Center is up and running at it's new location. A friend suggested that Autumn could come help out at their churches vacation bible study. 3 hours in the morning helping little turds doing crafts and stuff. Easy enough. She can feel like a big girl in charge. Sort of. Well I asked her last night and you would have thought I said "Hey, how about we go to Kaiser every day next week and get shots?" Doesn't that sound like super-fun??? She fussed, I forced. It started to get ugly. Then she pulled out the I'm going to ignore your questions and give you the evil stink eye. WHOA. Stop right there missy. You are talking to the MASTER here. That just won't fly with me. I will send you right back where you came from the hard way. Don't think I won't do it.

I sent her to the shower to I could gather my ammo, I mean my thoughts. I'm trying not to yell. Yelling makes me feel better, but makes her feel like shit. And makes M feel like he wants to move out. After the shower, I sat on her bed and told her I wanted to talk. I told her that I wasn't going to force her to do something nice. That it would be good for her to try and she should just think about it. I would even pay her extra allowance if she gave it a shot. Then I launched into the I am showing you some fucking respect so you best reciprocate. I'm not yelling. If I were yelling then all bets are off and you do what you need to do. But I'm being cool, so don't be an asshole to your mom. Yes, I said that for reals. She got teary and she GOT THE MESSAGE.

She's such a beginner. hahahaha I hope she never masters the art of the evil eye. It just ain't gonna fly in this house. I don't wanna have to kill her. I would miss her.

PS J, I showed her that alien song last night. She was like, Mom, this is sooo stupid. Til the end, then she was laughing hysterically and wanted to see it again. Good times.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:25 AM