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Sunday, June 11, 2006

You've Got Mail

I just love that movie. When Meg was still Meg and Tom Hanks, well when is he NOT yummy. He's just so nice. He's just very perfectly nice. Boringly nice. I like that. I'm watching them type back and forth to each other and I couldn't help myself but plop down in front of my own keyboard. Really, that is not why I'm typing this. It just happens to be in my VCR. I'm not going to sit and bore you with how I've watched You've Got Mail like a zillion times.

I actually got an email from a very old and dear from school. We've been in each other lives since grade school. We lived near each other growing up, we spent summers together. The beginning of senior year in high school, Becky, moved to Florida and has never returned. I've seen her once since then about 13 or 14 years ago right after the birth of her first child. She's one of those friends that I just have a connection with. We have history. We were pretty close. But it was kind of funny. You know how kids are in school, especially girls. My best friend was someone else and she lived in the next little town over. Becky's best friend also lived in this little town. Our best friends saw each other more often and hung out together outside of school. Becky and I spent more time together because we lived near each other. BUT we were not best friends. Strange. And inconsequential but it crossed my mind today.

M thought it was bizarre that I would consider this person so close to me when I haven't seen her in more years than we've been married and I haven't corresponded or spoken to her on the phone in about six years. She's just one of those friends. We will probably drift in and out of each others lives til death do us part. She's someone I could pick up the phone and talk to and still recognize her voice and talk like we just spoke to each other last week. I love that. I have many acquaintances. I'm very lucky. But I have a handful of pals I consider as close as sisters. She is one. She has had many traumas in her short life. Her oldest son, the little baby boy I met so long ago, succumbed to cancer two years ago. It breaks my heart that my friend was in need and didn't know how to reach me.

I'm thankful we've reconnected. I'm hopeful that someday soon I'll have a reunion to post about. Until then, I'll have mail.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 10:10 PM