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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Well Ticker me Pink!

Check it. Down 4.6 lbs. whoop whoop! Is this getting boring for you? Sorry! It's effing awesome for me. I'm 8 lbs away from my first WW goal. I like that they give you little goals to reach. It makes it that much more attainable. I floated home yesterday. I had so much energy last night that I went for a walk in the neighborhood til 10 PM! My girlfriend and I walked for an hour and a half. Mostly because we were catching up. I came home and stretched for 15 minutes. It really does help J :) I'm not nearly as sore as I thought I would be. Maybe that's because my ASS isn't weighing me down like it used to.

I'm going to share with you what our WW leader shared with us last night. She gave us each of these items below. Each representing a thought to keep you going.

1) A toothpick. Pick the things you like about yourself and focus on the positive. If you tell yourself you always fail at whatever, you will always fail. If you tell yourself you can do it, that this is who I am now. Then that is who you will be.

2) A rubberband. Always be flexible, because life throws you curve balls.

3) A Hershey's kiss. Because everybody needs a little kiss or hug.

4) A piece of gum. Remember to stick with it.

5) A Lifesaver. Be there for somebody. Be encouraging, be a lifesaver.

6) A bandaid. Fix your boo-boos and move on.

7) A pencil. Write it down. This is key in WW. I do so much better when I write down everything that goes into my mouth.

8) A tea bag. Take the time to relax and renew. We all deserve some pampering.

In the words of Stuart Smalley, I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and doggone it, people like me!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:55 AM