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Location: Northern California, United States

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End of the World?
Memories of a Spaz
Silly Daydream
Well Ticker me Pink!
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Friday, June 09, 2006


Do you ever have a thought to get out but you don't know really how to begin? Here I sit in such a quandary. I'm gonna dive right in, keep up. Some days Autumn goes to the youth center after school. She walks there with some friends. It's a nice safe place for her to be with other kids after school instead of home in front of the boob tube taking a nap (which is where I found her yesterday). Either is fine with me where she ends up in the afternoon, but I think for her to be out and about in town on her own is good for her, give her a feeling of independence for a short while. On the days when she goes to the youth center, I pick her up after I get off work. These are the days where she blabs the entire way home about the days events. Which I enjoy most of the time. I will admit, there are times when I have a few thousand other things on my mind and I completely tune out the Babel until inevitably she asks me a question. Wha? huh? I'm sorry, can you ask me again?

Wednesday, as soon as she got into the car the babbling began. Youth center was fun, they were chasing each other with water balloons. School was fun, end of the year nothingness going on. Her friend Cassidy kissed a boy last week. This is the part where you hear screeching tires and a big splash as we plummet into the river we are driving next to. Her friend Cassidy has kissed a boy. Do you know how sad this makes me? How nervous???? Cassidy is a year older. She's a nice girl. Well, I thought she was nice. She is nice. She just likes boys. *sigh* Autumn likes boys. Well she likes this one boy. They are still, I'm not even going to say it. They are still and I'll leave it at that. I kept my cool. I want her to know that she can talk to me and I'll try not to be judgmental. Or just plain MENTAL. I said something like, oh really? Yea. I asked her if she'd kissed a boy. She giggled and blushed. She told me it was none of my business. But no. She hadn't. Hey, you over there, can you pass me a paper bag? Hyperventilating here...

I told her that she was gonna kiss a lot of boys in the far far far far away future. I didn't kiss a boy til I was 19. Did you hear that little girl? I'll repeat it. 19. She wasn't even listening. She told me she wasn't going to kiss a lot of boys. Cuz she only likes this boy. That made me feel better. Sort of. She's not so boy crazy that she needs to kiss them all at once. She's a one boy kinda girl. She digs this boy. Hey great. dontkisshim. They don't even hold hands yet. dontkisshim. Pretty soon school will be out and really, when is she going to be seeing this boy??? dontkisshim.

If I find out there has been any kissing, I will take that boy for a drive. Down by the river.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:21 AM