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Location: Northern California, United States

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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

One Hot Muther

haha This has nothing to do with me being hot in the sense you are thinking. I enjoyed some sun and pool time Sunday with my good friend whom I'll call Mrs. Rhodes. We had a great time. I was conscience of the fact that it was going to be over 100 degrees. We got to her house and I immedately applied sunscreen to myself and the chilluns. We lounged. I kept checking my arms, nope not burning. Cool. As I got ready to go into the pool, I slipped out of my tank top (settle down people)and DIDN'T RE-APPLY THE SUNSCREEN. I sat with the sun beating down on my back thinking oh this sunscreen is the BEST. uh huh. As soon as I got home I was on fire. Remember in Austin Powers (the first movie), they would sit around the table and when someone failed Dr. Evil would dump the baddie out of their chair and down into the firey pit? I feel like Fez (played by Will Farrell) who was burned but didn't die. "Hello? Could you get some help? I'm very badly buuuuurrrrnnned." Very. Badly. I've been putting on aloe gel, which helps for a second but then just makes me feel sticky.

I can feel the pre-cancer cells forming clicks together on my back. Boy is that shit gonna peel. Great. Speaking of cancer, I don't have it. In case you were wondering. Ok, I know you weren't. I had my first HPV test and I got the little card yesterday that says I'm normal! HA! I am SO normal. In addition to your regular annual "check-up" HPV checks for the cells that will turn into cervical cancer. Apparently, I don't have those. Just the regular cells that turn me into a raving BITCH. I'm one of the lucky ones :D My bitch cells don't have to be checked for another three years. Makes me want to do fucking cartwheels! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Shit. That hurt my back.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:42 AM