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Location: Northern California, United States

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A Tale of Two Car Payments
13 Things On My Mind Today
Non Celebrity Death Match
I Am a Couch Potato
Shit! My Mom Reads My Blog!!
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Johnny, My Future Husband
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Monday, July 17, 2006

Wanna Go For A Walk


I used to not be much of a mover. I sat on the couch thinking about walking or joining the gym. I used to TiVo Denise Austin work out's thinking I'd do them in the morning or at night when everyone else had gone to bed. I never even watched them. I'm just very lazy. I like lazy. Well, after being on weight watchers for 10 weeks, I need to do a little more. I would still kind of go up and down on the scale. By walking an hour at a moderate pace, I can earn 6 extra points. That's like two skinny cow ice cream drumsticks. I love those things. Anyway, above is part of my walk. I live in the sticks. This road leads out of our development and down to the highway. It's .4 miles one way. I walk up and down it twice and then back to my house. It's a nice little walk. I don't walk with an iPod or MP3 player. I just commune with nature. There is a ditch that runs along the road.


Bullfrogs splash and splay in this bit of pond. They are so lound. The first time I heard them, I thought a cow had fallen (and couldn't get up!) and only his mouth was above water calling for help. What a dork am I. Occasionally, there will be a snake slithering across the road. Not very often though. I've only ever seen one. I took M out there to see the nature and he was disappointed he didn't see any snakes. Just a skin.

I've been walking pretty much every day. At night on week days and mornings on weekends. Every day, a little voice inside me tries to convince me that I've been so good, why not just take the day off. Come home and just sit on the couch. Yea, that's sounds good I think. I have been good. I get home, cook, eat and sit. Literally by 7 PM, I jump up. GOT. TO. WALK. I can't get out of the house fast enough. It's like the little worker bee inside me has finally broken free and knows I need to get out there quick or it ain't gonna happen. I know, I sound like Sybil. You know what I mean. It's a constant struggle each and every day to eat right and exercise. I may be praising myself up a storm over here. But know that I'm human and I stumble. Maybe I'll walk today, maybe I won't. The beauty of today is there will be another day just like it tomorrow.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:10 AM