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Friday, October 06, 2006

DVD Friday

It's Friday and all I can think about is curling up on the couch with my stinky fleece blanket (dog needs a bath) and watching some DVD's. What's on tonight you ask? Let's take a tour of my DVD library.

Tonight will be action packed, a Sci-Fi Friday if you will. I received X-Men: The Last Stand from Netflix last night. Autumn and I saw this at the theatre but M didn't. He's not much of a movie goer. I'm not sure why I even married him. This one was not my favorite of the three, but a close second. There are some really good moments and I liked the special effects. They could make 10 X-Men movies and I'd probably see them all. I don't read comics, I just like them in movies.

After M goes to bed and I send Autumn off to the dungeon, I will be catching up on Battlestar Galactica Season 2. I know the season premiere is on tonight. I have my TiVo set to store the new episodes. I tried watching the first season a while back and really had a hard time with all the changes to the characters. I was an original series fan. I'll admit here I didn't finish the first season. Then I read some recaps of season 2 and I got hooked again. Last night, I watched the first two episodes and I almost had talked myself into staying up til 1 AM to finish the disc. Thankfully, the pull of my warm soft bed was greater. Side note, I love the look of the new cylons. They are so fast and damn they are deadly. But don't you miss the clunky old ones that moved slower and said "By your command?" Yea, me too.

What are those lying around you ask? Well, night before last Autumn and I watched Finding Nemo. I like that Autumn is 11 now and we don't have to watch these cartoons 20 times in a row anymore. I had taken Autumn to the dentist Saturday and Nemo was playing in the waiting room. It's one of my favorite Disney movies because I am Marlin. Only I'm a girl and not a clown fish, although I've been known to be a clown. Underneath that is Twister. The other night Dogma came on cable and we were going to watch our DVD so we could watch with all the dirty words, but then M gave me a choice of that or Twister. Twister is just fun. It's a terrible movie filled with bad acting and CGI that looks like my friends 5 year old created. But it's super fun. Favorite line: "I've got to go Julia, we've got COWS!" as they were caught in a tornado with a cow flying back and forth in the wind. LOVE. IT.

The books by the TV, no those aren't books. That is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. You just never know when you are gonna need some ELF, so I keep those in sight at all times. Crap, what is this doing up here? Snatch is on top of my Rings. Have you ever heard of Snatch? It's a quirky little movie by Guy Ritchie. M is in love with Brad Pitt in this movie. He plays a boxer with this wicked hard to understand accent. It's funny and all, but I don't really enjoy watching movies with snatch in the title, know what I mean?

Well, now you know what I'm doing this weekend. I could go out and enjoy mother earth this weekend, but I don't wanna.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:18 AM