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Location: Northern California, United States

Hey. I see you there. Thanks for the visit, hope I'll be seeing you again soon.

Actual conversation tonight as my husband tried to...
Strawberry Daiquiri
Autumn's Beloved
My Favorite Furball
The DR is IN
I Hope I'm Not The Sour Kind
The View
Give a Dog a Bone
Frisky Friday
Stupid Internet Connection

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I Heart Pumpkins

Today I felt like it has truly become autumn. I had my first pumpkin spice latte of the season. It was a good as I remembered. We took a trip to Target tonight. I love all the aisles with holiday decorations. Pumpkins are my favorite, don't ask me why. They even have a little bit of Christmas stuff out. Can you believe that? It's only been autumn for about what 4 days? They had a really cute light up snowman for outside the house. He had a blue scarf. And he was $60. I'm sorry, I'm just not the kind of person who can spend $60 bucks on a light up snowman who will probably blow down the street when the wind kicks up. Actually, if I bought it I would keep it in the living room. We could put him in the corner instead of a tree.

ok, lets move back into autumn. I'm sad that we don't have a really great tree in the yard with leaves that will turn a golden brown and fall to the earth. Piles and piles of leaves that we could tumble into. I know, it sounds better than it is. Who likes to rake up leaves? There are a couple of streets here that just get covered with leaves. The homeowners don't even bother raking them up. I don't know if it's because it's so much to keep up with, or if they are just truly lazy. Usually the city workers have to come and clear them out of the drains because it will cause flooding when it rains.

This time of year makes me think of warm spicy coffee, sweet potato pies, beautiful leaves blowing in the wind. Halloween is just around the corner. This year will be the first year in about 10 that I'm just staying home and passing out candy. Autumn will be out with her friends. They are all planning on being bloody cheerleaders and football players. How goth of them. Remember the dead football players in Beetlejuice? That's what their idea reminds me of. Hey! Hey! Hey Senora! That was a fun flick.

Ok, the PSC (pumpkin spice crack) is making me ramble. Tell me, if you could be anything for Halloween, what would you be? I think I would be the giant whoopie cushion that I saw at Target. M, he'd be the life size Beer Keg.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:44 PM