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Monday, October 16, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up

It's Monday again, why does this keep happening?? We had a pretty good weekend. A carnival of sorts was in town. Friday night we loaded up Autumn and her friend with some cash and dropped them off to ride rides and be goofy without parental supervision. M and I headed to the bar to hang for a couple of hours before it got too crowded. I'd been looking forward to strawberry daiquiri's all week. M almost baled on me (as usual) but I managed to convince him to go. After which he said we could do that every friday night. YAY ME!!! Not so good for my diet. I think I'm letting up on the holidays. I can feel it. I'm not completely giving up. Still walking.

Saturday was pretty lazy. I took Autumn and her friend to a football game. I tried to finish watching Battlestar Gallactica season 2. I was confused by there being two season 2 DVD sets. 2.0 and 2.5. I ended up with disc 3 of each part on Netflix so I was still missing a bunch of shows. I finished season 2 and had to get season 2.5 from my brother in law. I have season 3 waiting for me on my TiVo. I think this week I will finally get there ;) Later in the afternoon a friend and I went to see The Departed. I'm a big Jack Nichelson fan and this movie had gotten great reviews so I was pretty excited. I was NOT dissappointed. It was a pretty good twisty turny gangsta thriller. With each turn you were trying to figure out who was good and who was bad. And in the end, well I won't give that away. The movie had a lot of good music and at different points in the movie it cranked up the soundtrack. There was an older gentlemen sitting next to me who kept putting his fingers in his ears.

Sunday, Autumn finished her project on volcanos for school. She was supposed to have a partner but we could never get the girls together so Autumn ended up doing it all herself. She didn't seem to bothered by it. I was just glad it was finished. Later, we went to my sister in law's and shopped a bit. I got a few cheap halloween decorations at Big Lots. Had some pumpkin spice latte. It was a nice end to the weekend. Last night, we watched the Hot Chick that we got for $5.50 at Target. Autumn loves this movie. It's pretty cute. Rob Schneider was born to play a teenage girl. I crawled into bed around eleven and cried that the weekend was over already.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:26 AM