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Location: Northern California, United States

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Spring is in the Air
Taking This Suburbia Thing A Little Too Far
Party Like It's 1999
Panfried Filet Mignon with Mushroom Ragout
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I Have Some Questions. Do You Have Some Answers?
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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Blow Me

I watched this morning in a grocery parking lot, a man with a leaf blower blowing dirt and garbarge around. I sat and wondered, what is the purpose? Isn't a leaf blower intended to blow leaves and stuff into a nice neat pile to be picked up, bagged and disposed of? I saw wondering where was this dirt and trashing being blown to? It appeared for awhile that it was just going in circles. The dirt whirled this way and that as if trying to find a safe place to hold onto. Where does it go? Into the streat, until the next semi blows it back into the parking lot? It just seemed so pointless to me. He came close to my car with his pointless blower as if trying to get some of that dirt to blow up into my car. So I could carry it away for him. I don't get paid to haul away your dirt. Do you see a dirt haulin sign written on this rig? NO, you don't. I almost honked. But between his ear mufflers and the sound of the motor, he probably wouldn't have heard me.

What if each business side by side had a leaf blowing fool, blowing their dirt around. What if at the very same moment they blew their dirt out onto the street, creating this giant tornado like monster vortex? That devoured everything in site? Including the leaf blowers.

That brought a smile to my face.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:20 AM