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Location: Northern California, United States

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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Surreal Life

I'm feeling lately, like life is becoming more like TV than the other way around. The drama, the folly, the utter stupidity. I find myself imagining what I would like to see happen ala my favorite show. This is my America.

Point #1 - The strange "tent city" that has perched itself on the doorstep of the newest IKEA to open in West Sacramento March 1. These are the REAL desperate housewives. Who the F camps in the parking lot of a crappy home store, relying on the kindness of strangers to feed them and taking turns defecating in a stank ass port-a-potty??? Not me sister. All of this for 3 lousy gift cards. I bet there are still families living in tent cities in New Orleans. I say we let those Katrina victims move into the houses vacated by the idiots who'd rather live in a parking lot.

Point #2 - Calling off the execution of Michael Morales not once, but twice. The politicians/judges/Ass Munchers want to bicker about whether it's humane for these death row convicts to actually feel their death by lethal injection or should it be sugar coated and painless. What a waste of time and fucking money. I'm sure on Boston Legal, Alan Shore would be defending this scum's right to die humanely. Thankfully, by the end of the show Denny would shoot the fucker square between the eyes, blow the smoke away from the barrel and look right into the camera..."Denny Crane."

Point #3 - Allowing any foreign company (friend or foe) controlling any of our sea ports. The Administration, henceforth known as Stupid Ass Monkeys, wants to hire the Dubai Ports World, a company owned by United Arab Emirates, to run 6 of our US ports. Are you fucking kidding me??? Isn't this where Michael Jackson is currently residing? Heck, he needs a gig, lets put him in charge. Makes about as much sense. As a perk, we can let him grope as many imported young boys as he can during business hours. They can get Martin Basheer to get it all on video and turn it into a "reality TV show". To be shown late at night of course, you know because of all the little boy groping. Martin, call VH-1.

Now look here people, this was just written for fun. It is intended to be read by my four faithful readers. Anyone else who happens upon this and doesn't like what they see can kiss my first amendment ASS. Click next blog.

If you laughed, leave a comment. Peace

posted by Autumn's Mom at 10:40 AM