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Monday, March 06, 2006

Nothing to Say

I was thinking about blog world last night. Thinking that I have nothing left to say and that maybe I was done. Time to pull the plug. I'm am an all or nothing kind of girl. Either I LOVE doing this and want to continue. Or I run completely out of gas and what is the point of going on? I still love reading blogs. My friends are great. Celebrity blogs are great. I have to say, reading blogs got me off buying the trashy celebrity magazines. Who needs them when you'be got blogs that are updated every day! Now I feel a little less guilty funding the those lying bastards, but I can still look at the pictures :)

So this morning, as I was contemplating hitting the delete button, I decided to check out my friends first. Thinking About, Homesick Home...Hey. L blogrolled me. Wow. You'll have to excuse me, but I'm a big of a nerd. I don't know who how everyone else feels, but getting a little recognition that someone checks your shit out, well it's makes me want to continue. I guess. For now. hahahaha

Maybe it's the weather getting me down. I hope that sun comes back soon.

Dot signing off.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:06 AM