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Wednesday, March 01, 2006

School Sucks

Why do our schools suck? I guess I can only speak for myself. In my opinion, the district in which my child attends seems to be filled with suckage. Each year we are faced with new symptoms of the same old budgeting problems. There just isn't enough money. Why isn't there enough money? I sure seem to be paying out a lot of money in taxes and bonds for the school. We don't have enough money for quality teachers. So we end up with slackers like my daughter's homeroom/english teacher. I was warned about this guy prior to meeting him. He didn't assign many books for reading and learning, did hardly any vocabulary and didn't give any homework. Good parents at back to school night asked important questions like "What kind of homework will you be giving?" "Will there be spelling or vocabulary tests?" He dodged these questions with his little trick and pony show. "Sure, I will. Hey, look at this neat new camera I got. It takes pictures here and I show them on this shiny big TV here. ooohh aahhh" Seriously, he was more interested in showing us the camera he recently bought and pictures he'd already taken of our children. Look dude, if this were a photography class I still wouldn't be impressed but it isn't. It's 5th grade english. I want to hear that you are going to be teaching my kid how to spell important words like IMCOMPETENT and INEFFECTUAL. What I don't want is to hear about your taking pictures of my child without my consent you hippie bastard. (I'm sorry if I offended any hippies out there)

I get so depressed when I have to start considering what steps I'm gonna have to take to get my kid into college. Are private schools any better? Do I need to take her to the Sylvan Learning Center to supplement her education? Is she going to have to take courses at the community college while she's still in high school? Does she get to have any time for fun? Did I mention that's she's only in the 5th grade? My husband and and I are so fortunate to have a child who excels in school. We want her to have every opportunity to get into a good college. I want her to know that it's totally an option. Although we don't actually present it as an option, it's more like after high school you'll go to college and then after that you can decide the rest of your life :)

I tend to get wound up about things. Can you tell? What I get most wound up about is my girl. I worry a LOT about her and her life. Not just about college. I worry about did she make it to the bus stop? Is she warm enough? Does she smell? Did she eat? Is she obnoxious at school? Does she love me? Is she going to drive me so fucking crazy tonight that I'm taken away to Quiet Glenn: Home to the Clinically Insane??? I keep thinking what am I going to worry about when I don't have her to worry about anymore? My mom says I will still be worrying about her. She's my mom and she still worries about me :)

I feel so much better getting this off my chest you guys. Thanks for being there for me. I've got to go. I'm waiting for her to call me and say that she and her friend are home and working on their science project. I'm not gonna worry. I swear.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 1:31 PM