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Thursday, March 02, 2006


I've been procrastinating doing our taxes. I've gathered everything we need and it's all sitting nice and neat in an envelope on the counter. All I need to do is pick up the dang Turbo Tax. Loser. And I'm not even actually "doing" them. My sister in law is. I'm not even the one who's actually going to be writing the check for these taxes. The perk of having separate checking accounts. So what am I putting this off for??? I ask myself this now and I really don't have an answer. It's like its one more thing to add to my already full list of things I am supposed to keep track of or do. M (easier than writing my husband) would say, well you like going to Target so can't you just pick it up? Obviously, there is an unseen force in the universe preventing me from doing this. I could turn this into a rant about how I have more responsibilities in life than M, but I really don't have the energy to right now. Seriously, if I thought the house would be picked up, some dishes done and in the dish washer and the cat crap cleaned up maybe I'd go to Target tonight. What? You can't do that? You've worked all day. Yeah me too. Fucker. Ok, I had a little more energy than I thought.

So, I'm making my Target list right now. Turbo Tax is at the top. Lynn, please make me go to Target with you and don't let me forget the GD Turbo Tax! Tell me I can't watch the Oscars with you until I get the TURBO TAX! hahaha


posted by Autumn's Mom at 12:58 PM