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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Think Small

Everyone send me small thoughts. I'm feeling smaller today. Small. Light. Airy. hahaha I want to be one of those chicks in the People Magazine. HALF THEIR SIZE. With a pic of me swimming in my former pants. Woo Hoo party in here! Let's see how many normal size people we can cram in my pants! hahaha I think I'm getting carried away. Oops I WRIPPED my pants. Do you watch the Spongebob?

Anyway, I saw this pic today on Yahoo. It's an baby Egyptian Tortoise sitting on the finger of it's keeper. Look how deensy he is???


Makes me want to go to the zoo. Haven't been to the zoo since Autumn was about 6. When I was little we used to go to the SF zoo all the time. And then to the beach. Does anyone remember zoo keys? You'd get a plastic key in the shape of an elephant (dont' remember if it came in other aminals) and at each stop you'd put your zoo key in and it would tell you about that particular animal. It just made it funner. I also remember they used to see these giant chocolate cookies. They were so huge. I think that really was the reason I always wanted to go. And the reason my butt grew to 50 times it's normal size. CURSES!!!

Side note, I was just remembering taking autumn when she was very little and freaking out about her playing in the sand at the playground there. I was always so worried about what was in the SAND! hahaha

Maybe I'll see if my mom is up for a trip to the zoo. Just like the old days!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:50 AM