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Monday, September 18, 2006

The View

Have you guys been watching The View? I feel like saying the View with Rosie O'Donnell. Rosie and I had a falling out back when she had her own show. She had Tom Selleck on to talk about a movie he was in and blindsided him with a tirade about the NRA. I never watched her show again. I'm happy that we've mended our fences. I do enjoy watching her. Today Barbara Walters was talking about how she went to the White House over the weekend for a function and brought back some paper towels from the bathroom (yes, she stole them) that were embossed with the presidential seal. She also received a Tiffany silver box with the White House engraved on the lid along with the signatures of President and Mrs Bush. Rosie commented that we could afford to emboss the napkins but we couldn't rebuild New Orleans. Ain't that the truth. I'm gonna say it. I know the Dixie Chicks got flack for saying it, but it needs to be said again. I'm ashamed of our President and government. I won't go so far as to call him a Dumb Fuck, but y'all feel free!) How can we continue to waste so much money on material things that mean nothing when we could be making such a difference in rebuilding fallen cities, feeding our poor, caring for our mentally ill and our veterans. Don't get me started on our schools. Why would guests invited to the White House receive a gift? Isn't the gift that they got invited? That they get to rub elbows with the President (if you call that a gift haha) I think Laura Bush should be ashamed of herself. You know she knows more about the runnings of that household. I mean, don't you as a woman (sorry to my readers of the male persuasion) ever go to Target and fill up your cart only to get to the check out line and start picking through your it taking out the things you don't really need. It's the guilt of over consumption. Our government needs to feel some guilt for their over consumption.

Another great quote from this morning was that we need to stop caring so much about what Paris Hilton has to say and start hearing some people who actually care about humanity. I mean here is a girl who could really make a difference and still keep up her party girl life style. If she would auction off her panties (since she's not fond of wearing them) on EBAY with all proceeds going to help Katrina victims, maybe people would take her more seriously. As J would say, I'm just sayin.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 12:43 PM