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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Does The Crazy Run In Your Family?

Autumn came home in a pretty good mood yesterday. She was happy it rained. She loves being in the rain. That's a kid thing right? Don't they all like being in the rain? I asked her about her day. Fine, it was fine. She hands me the permission slip for her science camp trip coming up in March. Ok, great. Then she says, "my teacher says I've been acting weird and you need to sign this." What is this? Detention again? No?

"He says I need to go talk to the counselor."


I asked her if she wants to see the counselor and she immediately tells me yes. Which was a little shocking. About a year ago I tried talking her into seeing someone for her OCD and she flat out refused and cried. So I didn't push it. Now I see her getting a little more introspective (is that a word??). She's reading more about OCD and cares more about stopping the picking that scars her arms and legs. I'm excited for her in taking this step. And I hope it helps her with whatever is making act "weird". I hope it helps her understand that I care about her becoming a responsible adult and that I don't think she's stupid. Oh, and no talking when mom's speaking. Seriously, shut the hell up! Or maybe the counselor will discover what I've thought all along. That this teacher is a complete douche bag who wouldn't know weird if it came out of his asshole. But whatever.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:01 AM