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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Spring Cleaning

I caught a bit of the anal retentive bug last night. I made homemade chicken soup and tried to clean up all the spam on my blog. Wow, she knows how to live! Whooooo I like things a certain way. I've found that I like my surfaces clean, but that usually means shoving crap into a closed cabinet or what not where no one sees. That's just fine with me, because I'm only concerned with the surface. I could turn this post into the conversation my daughter and I had yesterday about OCD and where she gets it from, but I'm not going to. haha

What this is really about is cleaning up SPAM. Spam sucks. I don't know which is worse. Getting it? Or that it is completely incoherent most of the time? It drives me insane. When I see it, I have to delete it. Or the world will end. I'm not kidding. It will. So, while I was cooking , I started to clean. Let me back up and say that I never knew I was getting so much spam until I started having my comments emailed to me. I only did this so that I could read my comments even when Blogger would decide to take a dump. I need to read my comments. OR THE WORLD WILL END. ok, I'm just kidding about the world ending. Maybe.

Lately, I check my email and see 10 comments and start to get excited like Columbus discovering America (Hey, that's how I learned it ok?) and then I see they are from Annonymous. Annonymous sure is a busy muther Effer. I just couldn't take it any more. I sat as long as my back could take it and deleted those little nasty messages one by one. I couldn't understand most of them. One I could string together that was something about Bulgarian Porn. Let me just state for the record, I am not into nor have I ever been interested in Bularian Porn. Shit, I wrote that twice, now I'm going to get tons of spam. It's a never ending battle, I know. Oh well, I'm free this Saturday for more cleaning. I got through June of 2006 last night. I will probably finish tonight. I just can't stand to let it live here. This is MY HOUSE. And you, you little spam shit, are not welcome in my house. I've got my rubber gloves and some Lysol. I'm ready for ya. You're jealous of my life aren't you.. It's ok. It's so full of fun things to do and fun people to meet. Yea, in my dreams.

I leave you with this. This is the only semi coherent comment that I truly laughed out loud at. To the commenter? Yea? Well ur stupid!


naa.. woman, thats coz ur a poor xcuse for a mother! hey this might of happen to u as a child thats y u dont giv a shit about ur girl

b'liv in the law of karma woman! it'll come back for u, may not b in this life but sure it the next.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 10:09 AM