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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Killing Me With Christmas

Ok, that's not a very festive title. Scrooge it.

J at Thinking About has tagged me for a Christmas meme. I'm supposed to share 12 of my favorite Christmas things, memories, traditions, songs, presents, beliefs, or whatever.

1. My childhood memories of Christmas are wonderful. We'd celebrate christmas eve with my grandparents and aunts and uncles. We'd listen to christmas music on the radio and sing along. They'd give Santa updates and get us all excited.

2. Because we lived further away, we'd get to spend the night at my grandparents and we'd be the only ones to see my Grandfather open his gifts. He was a little anal retentave about things and would only open his gifts Christmas morning.

3. For Autumn's first Christmas, we didn't buy her a lot of presents because she was only a month old. Her only gift was a Winnie the Pooh ornament that plugged in the lights and moved. It was the scene where Pooh is stuck in the hole and his friends are trying to tug and pull him out.

4. I've shared some of my favorite Christmas movies before, this year I'm adding Elf to my list. I love seeing Will Ferrell getting so excited at Santa's arrival...HE'S COMING HE'S COMING!!!

5. Christmas cookies. Who doesn't love Christmas cookies?? I don't bake, so I have to rely on others for them. You know who you are.

6. I like getting my presents early. My SIL and I sometimes exchange early. (Usually I'm the spoiled brat who wants to do it) We'll purposely give hints and guess what we got each other. She knows what she's getting already this year ;)

7. The Nutcracker brings back great memories. I have a CD of Nutcracker music and it's my favorite by far. When I was in the 2nd grade, we went to see the Nutcracker for a field trip in San Francisco. My first and only time.

8. Snowmen. I don't live where it snows, not even the least little bit. But I love snowmen. Most of my Christmas decorations are snowmen themed. I'm a sucker form them, white, plump and sparkly.

9. Another memory from childhood is watching Frosty the Snowman. Every year I would be anxious about not missing it. (you know, back when we relied on the TV guide paper version??) I would watch and every year when he would melt, I would cry. My mom would say, "Why are you crying? You know he comes back to life??" Ok, yea, but it was still heart breaking. haha Plus, I was little! Honestly, when I watch now..I still well up a little. I just love him and don't want him to melt at all. Is that ok???

10. One of the things I do not like about Christmas is being at the mall. What a nightmare! People are so grumpy and so not filled with any type of good spirit. They will run a bitch over for a stupid parking space. They practically knock you over and not even bother to say excuse me. Note to self, get mall shopping done by December 1. Or forget it.

11. I wish I had the picture here to share on this next one. When Autumn was small we never went all out in regards to santa. I hate seeing the long line of folks forcing their crying child to take a pic with him. That drives me nuts! Autumn was about 3 and her preschool brought in a santa for the kids. I let her teacher know that it was very ok if Autumn didn't want to meet him or have her pic taken with him. We just weren't that into it. She ended up going right up to him and giving him a giant hug and I have the goofiest pic of her and santa with some sort of drunk love look on her face. Priceless.

12. This year, I've not quite got my Christmas groove. I still feel like I'm in transition. I'm hoping to begin new traditions with my special someone and his family. Maybe next year, I'll be able to share them with you :)

But I heard him exclaim, as he drove out of sight
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:13 AM