Movin On Up To The East Side
To a big blue apartment in the sky. Ok, not exactly the sky but on the second floor. Last week was a big week for me. Capping of a pretty big month.
About a week ago, the father of my spawn and I got into a bit of an arguement. Over something truly stupid and not worth arguing over, but you know it happens. I left in a huff and spent some time with my new main squeeze. When I arrived back home hoping someone would already be in bed, I was disappointed that he was still up and in a very chatty mood. We've gone back and forth on whether or not he is going to sell our house or not. I don't care either way (well I do, cuz I don't want to be involved in selling the house) I just want my fair share and to MOVE ON WITH MY LIFE. Chatty Kathy and I spent an hour going over my life and his and what he's going to do with the house. He finally said he'd give me $XXX amount of dollars to get my own place. I went from being completely peeved to wow I guess you aren't so bad after all even though I can't stand you right now. haha
I called that very next day on an apartment I was interested in and I knew it had vacancies. I was shown apartment #23 (which is my birthday, yea it's a sign) and loved it! It's a two bed two bath with a fireplace and two balconies. I put down my deposit today and move in on November 2. Geez, it's kind of hard to type this when I'm jumping up and down!!!! There is going to be one casualty in all of this and that's poor dumb Minnie. She won't be moving with us. She's too barky to be living in an apartment and I need the freedom to be away for an entire weekend with out worrying about her so off the pound she goes. NOT. Seriously, I'm not that cold hearted. She may go to live with a friend of Autumn's which would be nice, and we could visit her. Or, the organization I got her from would be willing to take her back. All I can say is, Minnie, may you always have a nice place to poop.

The boyfriend is good. And fun. And nice. And sweet. And yummy. And he's probably reading this and I'm not going to say anything more cuz I'm getting all bashful!