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Location: Northern California, United States

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10-20-30 Virus
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Who You Callin Rockin??
Yes, The Dating, Hanging out, and More I Won't Say...
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Monday, November 05, 2007


I'm in people.

I'm free.

I'm ecstatic.

I'm elated.

I'm pooped.

Got everything in Friday before noon. Unpacked most boxes and already have given them away to a fellow mover and groover. Gearing up for little house warming on the 17th. Life is going pretty darn well I must say. I love my apartment and the lay out of the place. The only problem is that there is no linen closet. So we'll get creative. The rooms are good size, the hallway is extra wide and the kitchen is pretty decent for an apartment. Lots of counter and cupboard space.

I need to get a couple of dressers. I haven't had a dresser in 7 years. Can you believe that? Me either. Maybe a trip to Ikea is in order. Or one to target online. I'm so lazy. I only need a few odds and ends and I'm good baby!

I thought I'd be more worried or afraid to be on my own the first couple of nights. That hasn't been the case though. The only one who seems to be having any anxiety is Lil, the cat. She is having a hard time adjusting to her new surroundings. She finds new and interesting tight spaces to squeeze her fat lard ass into. Every day is a new game of hide and seek.

This weekend was not only moving weekend, but also birthday weekend. Autumn turns 13 tonight at 7:10 PM and my neice turns 11 tomorrow. Sorry, I don't remember the time. Saturday was my nieces party which was so relaxing after spending the previous day moving. We rocked some guitar hero all afternoon. I totally suck but LOVE playing! Maybe Santa can bring me one for christmas. Gee, I hope Santa reads my blog! Earlier in the day, Autumn and I went to the mall for her to spend some cash and to get her ear pierced. Top right ear to be exact. She now has a little bar bell in there. It hurt her more than she expected, but she's tough as nails and seems to be handling the pain better than I would.

Saturday night we picked up the BOYFRIEND from the airport. That was super fun. I dunno why, it just is. Got a movie and went home and chilled for the night. Sunday, me and a girlfriend took some girls and went and saw The Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D. Can I tell you how much fun it is to be in a car load of girls screaming out the window and carrying on? NOT. They weren't that bad.

Glad all the whoopla is over and this coming weekend will be lazy and uneventful. Or will it??????

posted by Autumn's Mom at 12:28 PM