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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Weddings and Boogers

They go together, NOT! I have been sick for 3 weeks now. Can't seem to get rid of it. I rinse, blow and repeat, but every day I look and feel exactly the same. Sigh Today I'm starting a regimen of DayQuil and Vick Vapor Dildo.

I'm not, however, going to let this virus keep me from the fun activities I have in store for myself. February 3, I will be starting my wedding dress hunt. I'm very excited. I've exhausted myself looking online at every wedding dress ever made. Me and my Spanx can't wait to try them on!! Note to inventor of Spanx, may your god bless you infinitely!!

This is my first wedding dress ever. I've never even tried a dress on. Ever. My first wedding was at the end of a shotgun, and I was so practical. I bought a dress that was hideous and green. I chose it so that I could wear it again, when I went back to work. The thought of getting the dream dress (within budget) is putting a huge smile on my face. Imagine if you will, me smiling, eyes red, and tissues sticking out of my nose.

Other than that appointment, I've made no other plans for this shindig. The date is set for August 8, 2008. (love that it's 08/08/08) It was my grandparents anniversary and I feel it's going to be an extra special day. (MA, correct me if I'm wrong!) We've discussed where to have it, hoping it's at the future mom-in-law's. I'm really going for an inexpensive, casual affair. I think the most expensive thing will probably be the dress, and even there...I have a $ limit on what I'm willing to spend. Frankly, all I need is my baby. AND THE DRESS. Everything else, I'm cool with whatever.

If you have any fun wedding suggestions, please let me know! I'm a newbie!!! And oldie, but a newbie.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 11:18 AM