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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Don't Bother Me, I'm Trying to Find My Happy Place

As some of you know (ok all four of you know this), I have a five minute commute home from work. I'm a very lucky girl. How my daughter manages to piss me off in those five minutes deserves a Golden Globe! I pick her up at the youth center, where she spends her afternoons and I notice she's wearing the basketball shorts her friend kindly loaned her back in NOVEMBER. For the record, she didn't even loan them in the first place, she left them at our house after a sleepover on Autumn's birthday. I guess she thought it was like a gift or something. So, she's proceeded to live in said shorts for the past 3 months. Last week both my husband and I said it was time to give back the shorts. I told her I would be more than happy to buy her her very own basketball shorts on payday. We even found some at the Nike Outlet for $12.99. Payday is the 26th. I don't think that's too much time to wait, do you? I know lots of Mom's that would just say tough wear what you got. But I'm not that kind of Mom. I'm the kind of cool Mom that likes to shop. I don't think you can spoil a kid with clothing. We donate everything she's grows out of, so I feel even better about the abundance of clothing in her room.

As we are walking to the car, she proceeds to tell me that her pants had gotten wet today in the rain and that this friend had told her to put on the shorts, being the very good friend that she is. I know she tells me this without me having the chance to ask because she know me so well. I was already formulating my question in my head and how I was going to be able to scream it as loudly as I can without being incoherent. Fine I say, that was very nice of her. So, this is where she interrupts me by telling me the story over again. She does this, it's like a defense mechanism to divert the screaming. I let her finish and try to explain about giving the shorts back and when she interrupts me Again. Now she's really trying to get a rise out of me. Bait I usually fall for, but not today. huge smile

I try again, "So, what I'm trying to say if you'll stop interrupting me is that you need to do a load of laundry tonight, wash the shorts and give them back to your friend tomorrow"

Autumn, "I KNOW" you can insert your own whiney tone..

I say, "If you think you'll need an extra pair of pants, then bring an extra pair of your own." I really said this pleasantly, but assertively.

I continue, "You are taking advantage of your friends generosity.."

Autumn interrupts in an even louder voice, "NO I'M NOT!!" See, she's missing the yelling that is usually coming out of me and she's very confused.

I say, "Okaaay, AND you can spend some time in your room!" Pats self on back for STILL not yelling.

Autumn in same loud voice, "Good!"

I say "Good" Couldn't help it.

It's taken me longer to write this to you than it took to drive home. I'm sitting here gloating for not yelling and enjoying the quiet that IS having your 11 year old child in her room.

ahhhhh What's on TV??? You knew my happy place was the TV didn't you? You know me so well.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 4:49 PM