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Location: Northern California, United States

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Don't Bother Me, I'm Trying to Find My Happy Place
Golden Globes
Another Birthday
Flashback Friday
Making Connections
Reading Rainbow
Waxing Nostalgic
And What Did You Do Today?
This Makes Me Sad..
1, 2, 3, FOUR

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Friday, January 20, 2006


Happy Friday everyone!!! I don't have a flash back for you today. I'm here (at work) for a little bit then we're off to take Autumn to the orthodontist to get her top braces removed. I'm excited to see what she looks like now...I have some way before shots of her..I'll post a way before, before and after shot tonight. She's excited to be able to chew some gum. Sadly, it will only be for the weekend. Cherry, I'm thinking of sharing some my fruit stripe with her!! hehehe Anyway, we go back on Tuesday to get fitted for her retainer, then no more gum. Well, I guess she can take the retainer out and chew some. Why are kids so obsessed with chewing gum?? I had a strange obsession myself with gum, when I was little I had a gumball machine and I used to load my Dad up with tens of thousands of gum balls (ok, it was probably less than that) and he would make the largest bubbles I had ever seen. They looked like the globe, all blue and brown. Do you remember that show Big Blue Marble? I loved that show and I would ask him ALWAYS, Daddy Daddy make the Big Blue Marble!! I have to say that is about the finest memory I have of my Dad.

Well, more later folks. I hope you all have a fabulous Friday

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:45 AM