I'm Still Here
tink tink tink Is this thing on? I can't hear worth a darn. Maybe tonight my ears will pop so I can hear the world again. I got a full nights sleep last night for the first time since Saturday. It was wonderful. I'm hoping for more of the same tonight.
I've tried several times to write a post today. I'm having one of those days where I feel like pulling the plug on this thing because I suck at writing. I think I just try too hard. Trying too hard does not make for good writing. I'm not even going to go for good writing either. I'm just gonna type. Whatever comes out, comes out. Here goes...
Autumn wore a skirt to school today. I know it's hard to believe, but she actually owns ONE skirt. A black wrinkly one with sequins on the hem. I think she had on a black top and a light blue fleece zipper up. And ugly old tennis shoes. We are making small progress. Any progress is good. By progress, I mean that my little is turning back into a little girl again. She used to look so cute in a sleeveless summer dress. With her little curls blowing in the wind. She was so cute til about 3rd or 4th grade. Then she broke my heart and wanted to start dressing like a boy. I refused to buy her boys shirts and stuff for awhile. But really, why fight it? It's all so meaningless, or it should be to me. If she likes a shirt, does it really matter if it's made for a boy or a girl? What am I really worried about? I decided that I was worried about nothing. I just love who she is and not what she wears. What really bothered me is that I think she's such a beautiful girl, if she'd let herself be. And when she's ready, she still will be. Like today :D And she'll be beautiful tomorrow no matter what she wears.