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Location: Northern California, United States

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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Battle of the Wills

Long story short (ok, you four already know what went down), someone hasn't been turning in their math homework so someone is on restriction. Somesone is sitting on the floor just inside her bedroom shuffling cards. Loudly. Earlier there was crying. Now. Just. Shuffling. She's trying to break me. She mopes & whines like a puppy in a pound everytime I pass by her bedroom. Wouldn't she think I was so great if I walked up to her right now and swept her up into my arms and said "Oh daughter, your right! You have learned your lesson! You sure showed me. Crying IS how you get your way in life and I think you learned your lesson well. Who needs math when you've mastered mnipulation???" hahahahaha NOT Ignorant misguided slut! ok, i'm soooo only kidding. Really.

In the 15 minutes since I've been sitting at this computer, the shuffling has stopped. She is now reciting the words to a Will & Grace episode she's seen a few times. From the floor of her bedroom. (yeah, we live in a really tiny house)

7 more fun filled days of this. God I love my life.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:24 PM