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Location: Northern California, United States

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Thursday, May 11, 2006

13 Things I'm Pissed About This Morning

Thurs 13

1) America, you suck! How could you vote off THE American Idol? How could you let me down like this? NO, I wasn't voting...I thought you had it covered. I should have never trusted you.

2) Autumn, don't yell at me because you can't find your friggin pants. I DON't WEAR THEM. If you put them away in your new dresser instead of all over the floor, maybe you'd know where they are. I'm trying to go to the bathroom here. GO. AWAY.

3) Who the hell sets up the Cal Trans work? I'd like to send them a strongly worded letter. Hello!?! You close the only back road to get around town and then schedule not one but two spots on our highway for repaving. How are we supposed to get to work? Or the store? Or to School?????? Pace yourself people! We've got months to get this shit done. Oh. And how about posting some signs to let us know you're coming. Thanks.

4) I HATE GETTING A FLAT TIRE and then finding out there is road work going on when you are already late.

5) It's days like this when I need Jack in the Box. Too bad it's not really on the fucking WW menu. DAMMIT.

6) I am pissed that I don't have direct deposit because I'm trapped in this fucking town til after 6 PM and I have to drive 20 miles to the nearest bank. FUCK!!! Ok, my small little company is getting direct deposit here in the next couple of weeks. But that doesn't help me today.

7) My husband had to work til 9 last night. Got home at 10 and decided last night til almost midnight that he wanted to chat. Ok, I did too. Midnight is just too late for me.

8) Flies

9) I'm pissed I didn't buy those cute white and green flips at Mervyns. I'm wearing green today and would have looked cute :)

10) I hate that the phone keeps ringing while I'm trying to do this post. Damn work!!!

11) Have I ever told you I hate filing. I do. I really, really do.

12) I couldn't get through this 13 without a little dog poop. Why is it that you can take a little 5 lb dog out in the morning to poop Gigantic poop and bring her back in the house only to have her squeeze out a little more? How is this even possible????

13) Yeah, still hating that American Idol. Paula is a stupid whore.
I feel a little better now.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:21 AM