Ok, it's not D-day. It's actually weigh in day (tonight). W-Day?? I added a new ticker on here to keep me on track. And you five can keep me on track too! I'm a quitter by nature, so the more public humiliation I can heap onto myself the better. You can cheer me on when I do well or tell me, "Hey Dot, hand over the cake bitch. Get back on Track!!"
I want this time to be THE time that works. Not the "oh shit, this ain't happenin, let's go get a burger and shake" time. Or the, "Yea we want more bread and butter, duh" time! I've had a lot of those good times. I still will have those good times, but just not as often. Now I need to have the, "mmm this salad is so flippin good I can't stand it" times.
Honestly, I will never say that last one.