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Location: Northern California, United States

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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I'm Ready for a Vacation

How about you? I'm taking a mini vacation middle next week through the 4th. We aren't planning on really going any where special. Just not to work! Maybe some camping. I'm not much of a camper. I go maybe once every two years. I'm not into the whole sleeping in a tent on the dirt thing. I don't like stank ass porta pottys. We went to a sort of fun place two years ago and I suggested we go back. It was nice, very shaded. Flushing toilets. It had a nice lake. A cute little town to drive into and get ice cream and junk. Aside from all the dirt, I'm actually looking forward to it. Minnie (the wonder shitter) will probably not like it. She barks at EVERYTHING. I was thinking that I would board her for that time if they have availability. If not, I guess I need to go buy that muzzle for her.

I'm really looking forward to not being at work. I actually like my job and the people I work with. A lot. But lately, it's been very tense around here. We installed a new inventory system that is just, well it's a piece of shit. A $40,000 piece of shit if you can imagine. Our whole business has just about grinded to a halt. This person blames that person. People are flying off the handle. I think there may be a little blood shed before this is all over. *sigh*. Hopefully, that will happen while I'm away on vacation. Soaking up some skin cancer. Eating skinny cows to my hearts content. You know what I'm craving? We talked about this in our meeting last night. What are you craving... I'm craving a corn dog. A deep fried kind that you get at a fair corn dog. mmmmm With some ketchup and mustard. DAMN Don't even get me started on the deep fried twinkies. I thought they were just for twisted backwoods types from Texas, I'm here to tell you it's a little piece of deep fried HEAVEN..queue angels singing. HALLELUJAH!

I can't go on any further. My stomach is starting to growl and I've already eaten lunch. See? I'm being good. Down another 2.2 lbs. Almost half way there! Went on a power walk last night. I feel refreshed, energetic. Oh and hungry. hahaha But good. Thanks all for your encouragement. Means a lot.

dot out.

PS Go check out Baby T at Tommy's Mommy. He's way more scrumptous than a fried Twinkie!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 1:26 PM