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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Shoe Shopping

Gina was talking about dress shopping and how much fun that is. Well, I went shoe shopping last night and let me tell you, it was no picnic! I'm looking for a good pair of walking shoes with lots of support and some cushion. Cushion people. Is that too much to freakin ask for??? I want to feel like I'm walking on pillows. I don't want to have to put my feet up after a lousy two mile walk. I want a shoe that will support my fat ass and not give me shin splints.

I went to Sportmart last night. They have a wide selection, I was sure to find something there. I was excited to see they had a lot of things on sale and clearance. M told me I should try New Balance cuz that was his big ol Flintstones wear. I tried them, every last one of them. I didn't even find a maybe. They didn't have enough cushion. They didn't have my size, or if they had my size they didn't have wide width. I tried every last shoe in the joint. Couldn't even find one. Can you believe that?

As a last resort, I even went to Mervyns where I always end up finding shoes that last maybe a month and then start giving me problems. Had my friend Chris helping me, still found NADA. LynnDenise is telling me to go to Kohls. Yea yea, ok. We'll go. I told her that if I don't find anything there, I'm gonna have to go to a shoe store in the mall. I'd rather go to the dentist every day this week than go to a shoe store in the mall. I hate being at their mercy to get me shoes. I hate that they are over priced. I hate that I have to try on every shoe and just can't order something online. I know, hate is such a strong word, but I really do loathe this shoe shopping.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:46 AM