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Friday, November 17, 2006

If I Did It

I've been wanting to rant about this all week. First I must apologize to my Mom. She went to city college with O.J. Simpson. She was a big fan of him through his college and his professional career. Hopefully, that ended on June 12, 1994. I remember vividly the day he was supposed to turn himself in. I was home and pregnant watching the tv. I called my mom when he failed to show. "Your boy didn't show, he did it." She was in denial. That day we were heading up north to visit the in laws (although they weren't officially my inlaws just yet). I watched tv all day, saw the beginning of that strange car chase, drove up north listening to the radio the whole time. I think we must have spent the rest of the weekend, reeling from the strange events. This particular weekend was also the first time I felt Autumn wiggling around inside me.

Now, 12 years later, it's all a distant memory. He's been gone from the limelight. Until now. Apparently he's written a book, "If I Did It" and will be doing a two part interview on Fox. I must say, I'm flabberghasted. Why? What sane person would write a book, if I did it? Why doesn't he just come clean and write a book called, Yea, I Did It and I Want You to Read in Great Detail How. Well, I wouldn't buy that one either. I know, he's not sane. He's obviously complete whack job. A whack job who got away with MURDER. He's a real piece of SHIT in my book and the only thing I can say is I wouldn't want to be around on his final judgement day.

I won't be watching the interview or buying the book. I hope no one does. I'm not stupid, I know the sickos will. I'm sorry for the families of those left behind by this tragedy have to deal with this all over again. I pray for his children. What do they think of him??? I hope he gets hit by a bus. I'm a christian. A crazy christian with free will who hopes he gets hit by a HUGE MUTHA FUCKING BUS FILLED WITH TOURISTS.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:52 AM