Cleaning out my Closet
Well, so to speak. Can I be honest with you, dear internet? We're friends right? I feel we've grown so close in the past few months. I changed that ticker up there. Did you notice? That other one was getting stained and moldy. I figured a new beginning deserved a new ticker. I went back to weight watchers after truly a two month absense. I've gone here and there to keep up my membership but really I haven't been practicing what I've learned. In my two month absense I'm happy to say I only gained 4 lbs. Not too shabby. That's not even a pant size. I hate using the term dress size since I don't wear dresses.
I'm slowly weaning myself off the bottle, ah Jose Quervo, thank you. That's gonna be a tough one. I'm not gonna say that I'm truly going to say goodby to my old friend, cuz I hate being a liar. He's just going to become a more infrequent visitor. To get myself back in the groove, I made some weight watcher basics this week, one of which I'd like to share with you. It's 2 Point Chili. 1 Cup equals 2 Points. Have I lost you? Let me 'splain Lucy, it means it's pretty dog gone healthy! Since it's been getting colder out, tonight to about freezing here in CA, this recipe will keep you warm well into the early hours ;)
1 lb of ground lean beef or turkey 1 yellow onion, chopped to your liking 2 cans of diced or stewed tomatos (I found some mexican style ones) 3 cans of pinto and/or black beans 1 can tomato paste 1 packet of taco seasoning 1 packet of ranch dressing *You can add any other vegetagle or spice that you want. M thought it wasn't spicy, but I intentionally made it that way.
In a large pot, brown beef/turkey, hopefully it's lean enough you won't need to drain. Add taco seasoning. Once this has cooked for a few minutes, add onion and stir. Add ranch dressing packet, stir. Add rest of ingrediants. Cook for 25 to 30 minutes. Serve with your favorite corn bread.
Hope you enjoy.