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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Dear Mrs. LeBon

Gina got me all hot and bothered yesterday with her Duran Duran post. I can't believe I've blogged for this long without telling you that I LOVE DURAN DURAN. I loved everything about them. I loved their music and didn't care that sometimes their lyrics didn't make any sense to me. They were HOT. They made the greatest videos. They made me want to go to Sri Lanka. I remember one summer, it seemed like every night at 10 PM they'd play Is There Something I Should Know. Yea, I waited for it. Did you watch MTV all day? All night? I had the kind of parents who let me sit there for hours on end til my eyes bled. I guess that way they knew I wasn't out getting to trouble. My friend would come over and we'd rent movies. We'd always get the duran duran video compilation and a movie. We memorized every line, every song, every move. Our favorite was the video for Night Boat because if you listened closely, you could here them talk. Insert girlish giggling.

As I commented on Gina's blog, my girlfriend and I would write each other letters addressed to Mrs. LeBon and Mrs. Taylor. Mrs. LeBon has since divorced and has become Mrs. Rhodes. I, however, have been Mrs. Taylor for 23 years. Little did I know, he had a twinkie on the side named LYNNDENISE! hahha Well, that twinkie doesn't have THIS


I never got to see them back in their hey day. I remember being at my Grandma's in San Francisco the weekend they played the Oakland Coliseum. I sat at the kitchen table looking out the window over at the bay pining for my future husband. My cousin who was older and had refused to be scene at a Duran Duran concert. We do not speak to this day.

About two years ago, they were coming out with Astronaut and did a concert in San Francisco that was put on by KLLC 97.3. We finally got to see them!! LynnDenise, my girlfriend and I went and it was really great. Except it turned out to be like the hottest day on record for the city (about 97 degrees). I got a little over heated (and was starving from not eating before hand) and had to leave the crowd at the front of the stage and go get some air. I consider that my teeny bop experience.
Like those girls who scream themselves into exhaustion and have to be taken out on a stretcher.

Last year was the ultimate experience. First we saw them in Sacramento in a small venue. We ordered VIP tickets and ended up third row center. We were able to bring our cameras and I snapped some pretty good shots.


This one is my very favorite and sits on my desk at work. I don't even KNOW how I got such a good shot.


Somehow I let my girlfriend talk me into going to Vegas and seeing them again at the Hard Rock Cafe. I'd never been to Vegas before so it was a jam packed fun filled weekend. We actually met up with other DD fans that we'd chatted with on their fan website. We all gathered together for a dinner at some buffet. It was pretty cool. I remember sitting across this guy who kept saying he was a big fan but he difinitely wasn't gay. Even though he had Elton John postcards with him. WITH HIM. They were for a "friend" uh huh Not like it matters, I'm just sayin.

After the concert, some of the girls who'd gotten the VIP experience in Vegas had a booth reserved in the club Body English at the Hard Rock. We actually got in somehow and partied with them for a bit. I was so tired though. My mom face was showing through. I didn't think they'd actually show up and party so I finally talked my girlie into leaving. Wouldn't you know it, they showed up a couple hours after we left. DANGIT. Better luck next time.

And there will be a next time!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:12 AM