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Monday, November 20, 2006

Let's Kick Off the Holidays

I put some Christmas crap up yesterday. I dusted off my Charlie Brown Christmas CD. I know, can we just get through Turkey Day first? Got my yams for the most delicious sweet potato pie. I'm just sorry you won't be here to share it. I'll post the recipe tomorrow. I've been thinking about my favorite holidays movies. I love watching what have become the classics in our home. Sorry, J, It's a Wonderful Life isn't on the list. Maybe THIS will be the year I finally watch it. I have to tell you, I say that every year. No, my list is more of a fun funny kind of classic collection of Christmas/Thanksgiving fun.

#5 charlie brown
A Charlie Brown Christmas.
If your my generation, you remember waiting and waiting for the Charlie Brown Christmas special to air. Brought to you by Dolly Madison, of course. Isn't there anyone out there who can tell me what Christmas is all about?
It's a funny, heart warming and yes I still get a little misty at the end. He gets it. He finally gets it!!

#4 Friday
Friday After Next
I know, it doesn't sound like a Christmas movie, but it is. It's another Friday in the HOOD. Craig and his not so bright cuz, Day Day are security guards in a little strip mall. They are robbed on Christmas Eve by.. He looked like Bobby Brown in a goddamn Santa Claus suit! These boys don't seem to ever catch a break, but in the end a merry Christmas is definitely had. It's way crude, but a fun ride.

#3 christmas vacation
National lampoons Christmas Vacation
This has been a favorite of mine since I bought the VHS tape for $2.99 at Blockbuster. You don't find deals like that anymore. The Griswalds are back and are planning on having an old fashioned family Christmas. Anyone with family can imagine how everything just goes WRONG. The Griswalds are funny as usual, but it's cousin Eddie (played by Randy Quaid) that steals the show. When the Christmas tree burns down, only Clark knows how to keep his family in the spirit. Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving. Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas. No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here. We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny fucking Kaye. And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse.

#2 Home for Holidays
Home for The Holidays
This is a great movie for those of us who have disfunctional families. I just learned it was directed by Jodie Foster. Probably why it is so awesome! Claudia is going home for Thanksgiving after just losing her job. Her daughter is spending the holiday with her boyfriend and Claudia thinks this of course will leak to sex. Add in the crazy gay brother (Robert Downey Jr), incredibly uptight sister and brother in-law, and parents played to perfection by Ann Bancroft and Charles Durning. Oh and there is the mother's crazy sister who still has feelings for her brother in law and says so. At the dinner table. We don't have to like each other. We're family. I think that says it all.

#1 christmas story
A Christmas Story. You know what I love, they play this movie for 24 hours on TBS. And we watch it! Over and over. Ahh Ralphy. You root for him, he has such enthusiasm. He wants that Red Ryder BB Gun, but you know that he's just gonna shoot his eye out. Well, almost. I found this reenactment and had a good laugh.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:59 PM