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Monday, February 12, 2007

Haven't We Been Through This Already?

Every Monday it's the same fucking thing. SUCK-ASS Monday. I hate to sound like a broken record here, but ain't it the truth? I think a little of my crappy Sunday flowed over into today. I tried not to let it but sometimes, unless you let what's bothering you out, it stays in and festers. Well, I'm going to let it all out.

M, if you don't like the way I pay your GD bills then pay them yourself. The bills are paid and well before they are due. I'm not sure what your effing problem is. You sounded like a broken recorded whining about $200 missing from the savings account. I pay bills. If there is not money to put back into savings, not my problem. If your car payment wasn't paid..then I'd get why you are bitching. I could care less about $200 at this point. It's not going to make or break us. If you don't like it? DO it YOURSELF.

Guys, Turn your shit in and in a timely manner. If your time cards aren't turned in before payroll is called in, don't come whining to me. It is your responsibility to make sure your time and field tickets are turned it, not mine. I hate sorting through this mess with half turned in crap. Because you know who THEY are gonna ask about it? ME and I hate not having an answer. Don't rely on your monkey ass compadre to do your paperwork for you. If you are having this much problems writing down words and phrases, then I may suggest you borrow my copies of School House Rock. Whatever it's gonna take for you to finish your work. If you don't want me yelling at your, then get ur done. Don't make me call you stupid in front of everybody. While it will make me feel good at the time, it makes me feel badly (sort of) later.

Daughter, Quit watching scary movies. You can't take it. And don't tell your friends that you are watching a scary movie. Because you know at 11 PM at night when I'm trying to sleep, your so-called friends are going to be prank calling you and trying to scare you. They are dumb boys and that's what they live for. Don't make me yell at you again, dammit.

Dog, you freakin reek.

Whew! Have I left anyone out? If I did, shut the hell up!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:28 AM