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Location: Northern California, United States

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I Wish I Lived in a Condo
Almost a 7th Grader
Rush Limbaugh Is Coming To Visit!!
We Are The Champions-NOT
8 Random Facts
It's Not Monday, It's Tuesday!!
Bitter Bitch Friday

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Friday, June 15, 2007

Exhausted And Thanking God It's Friday

It's been a long week. Has it been for you? I think it's the heat. Slows down time. I haven't had a restful nights sleep in a few days. My house cooled down to 80 last night. Yea. You read that right. As if I wasn't suffering enough, there is natural gas drilling in the field behind my house. Noisy fuckers. Instead of my normally beautiful view of Devil's Mountain, I have a brightly lit up crane standing in the middle of a mini amphitheatre. An effect that is supposed to contain the noise. Obviously a concept that needs revising.

It's only 9 am and I've dozed of twice while on hold with Sprint/Nextel troubleshooting a phone problem. Thankfully, I am in air conditioning right now, waiting for it to rejuvenate my soul. Leaving early today to take the soon to be 7th grader to the orthodontist. I'm praying to the metal gods that they take the final torture device out of her mouth so we don't have to pay them a visit again until she's 25 and on her own freakin dental insurance.

Tomorrow we have closing ceremonies for softball. A bittersweet day. It will be announced that the TANK has made the all-stars team for her age group. THAT is exciting. Exciting too that for once I actually kept my mouth shut and didn't spill the beans to her already. Our first all-star game isn't til July and it's in BFE. Which is funny, because I though WE lived in BFE but apparently this town we are going to is even more BFE than here. And our coach is coaching all-stars. Softball lives on!

I'll be watching from the sidelines this time around.

With a nice cold one.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:06 AM