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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

We Are The Champions-NOT

Autumn had her softball championship game last night and we lost. It was a fantastic and exciting game. The girls were in pretty good spirits throughout. I'm proud of my daughter most, not only because she's the best southpaw catcher on the planet but because she doesn't take these games personally and sit and boo hoo or get down on herself when we lose. She still laughs and remembers the great plays she made.

Her coach re-nicknamed her last night, the TANK. She's pretty hard to get by on home plate. One girl ran outside the baseline and wasn't called out which we all grumbled about. The umpire said, "well, where was she supposed to go??" Cuz the TANK was a covering!

It was a great night and I'm so glad it's over. I never realized how exhausting it was gonna be to "mother" 12 little girls for and hour and a half. At one point last night, I had three little ones on my lap and I was telling them how proud I was of them and how much I was going to miss them...before I shoved them off my lap to get more sunflower seeds.

In the end, we weren't the best team out there but I think we were the ones with the biggest hearts. That's how I'll remember them.

Big Red
Savannah Bannanna
B & G
The Two Alex's

You girls effin ROCK!!!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:00 AM