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Thursday, June 14, 2007

I Wish I Lived in a Condo

Is that so terrible? I want to be a renter. So that when my air conditioner desides to stop working when it's going to be 98 degrees, I can call someone else who's responsibility it is to fix it PRONTO.

I'm not sure why we ever bought our own home. You've seen how we don't like to do yard work. I'm not even going to mention the upgraded carpet that now looks like someone literally rubbed their dirty ass all over it. I say this because the cats do it all the time. Someone must have showed them how.

Today, I'm going to wish myself into a nice air conditioned two story condo. (Two story for Autumn.) Why are kids so effing facsinated with stairs??? With a spotlessly cleaned kitchen with no dirty dishes in the sink. Cuz that someone won't be living there. I'll be able to look outside my sliding glass door down to a big cool lookin pool that I won't be responsible for cleaning. It's just there for me to enjoy.

Oh and a nice work out room filled with elipticals and treadmills, none of which I'll have to buy myself. Or fix when they fall apart. We're talkin brand new all lit up stuff that works. Not like my treadmill that with the broken dashboard that you can't tell how far you've walked anymore so you have to keep your watch with you and just guess...*sigh*

I hate broken stuff.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:59 AM