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Monday, June 04, 2007

8 Random Facts

Miss Ginger over at Stuck-on-Survive hit me with a MEME! And since I do like talking about myself, I'm playing along.

Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.People who are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.At the end of your blog you need to tag 8 people and post their names.Don’t forget to leave them a comment and tell them they’re tagged, and to read your blog

1. I have man hands that I inherited from my grandmother. I keep my nails cut short because they grow out like squares and I have chubby little sausage fingers.

2. I think I could get addicted to watching college girls softball on ESPN. Those girls are amazing!

3. When I clean, I'll scrub floors and counters and stuff, but I'll stuff papers and junk into any drawer or pantry out of the way. As long as I don't have to look at it, it's clean.

4. Gina probably won't like me after this, but I like doing laundry. I like the smell of laundry detergent (Gain Mango Tango). I like folding hot clothes out of the dryer. I just don't like putting them away.

5. I don't like ironing. I liked buying an iron and an ironing board with a cute cover. But I don't actually use these items.

6. I will not eat cauliflour. I don't care if you can mash it up and smother it in butter and make it taste like smashed potatoes. I'm not eating it.

7. I'm on the computer all day long at work. Checking gossip sites, blogs, shopping, chatting..but I can go all weekend without turning mine on at home.

8. I'm 36 and I don't drink coffee yet. Am I weird??

Everyone I know is tagged, I think. If not, your IT!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:20 AM