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Location: Northern California, United States

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Bitter Bitch Friday
Thursday Thirteen
TIVO Saved My Life Tonight
The Bachelor Chose Tessa!
Neti Pot
Questionable Wednesday
7 Things That Happened to Me As A Teen
Five Questions
Hello Gorgeous!
I'm Barry Effin Gibb!!

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

It's Not Monday, It's Tuesday!!

How nice is that, huh? Maybe that is the reason for my incredibly good mood! I'm hopeful that today will be a wonderful day even though the wind is blowing hard and I don't have my freakin Neti Pot yet. (should arrive today from I sprayed some Naseril up there to hold off any interim sneeze attacks.

You're wondering about my weekend aren't you? Ok, maybe not, but I'll tell you anyways. I did get invited to a BBQ this weekend and although it wasn't what I would call kick ass, it was very pleasant. I sat in the sun and got a little Kentucky fried, ate some burgers. Was good and didn't par-take in any margarita beverage as I was the DD. I did some shopping. I love outlets, don't you? I bought a couple of gifts (baby and co-worker). I browsed the Coach outlet and NO, I didn't get a purse. I really really wanted to but it wasn't on enough sale. It was a super cute pastel patchwork bag. If it's still around somehow in July when I get an extra pay check, it's all mine! I settled for a tiny yellow daisy flip flop key chain instead.

I bought some clothes I really didn't need, but make me feel better about myself. Maybe that is why my mood is so good. I'm all brand spankin new from head to toe today! I wish this could have began at 6 this morning instead of 7. I intended to get up at 6 and do the treadmill for 1/2 an hour but as usual felt the need for one more hour. slacker. I'll try again tomorrow. And the next day...and the next. That's how I roll.

That's it. I don't have anything earth shattering to share with you. Well, I do, but I choose not to. I don't want you to know me for the gossip whore that I am! Or maybe you already do??? Ignorance is bliss, don't tell me.

Oh, this was on my mind earlier. Friday actually. I just want to say for the record that I think Rosie O'Donnell is a whiny cry baby who can dish it out but can't take it. I'm glad to NOT have to see her every day on the View, which I watch on my lunch hour. I will not resort to calling her a fat lesbian as everyone else seems to because that is just mean. But I do think she's a bully and when push comes to shove, she chose to take her ball and go home. Her it's my or the highway attitude is never going to persuade anyones thinking. And that's sad, because I think sometimes she's correct. If she somehow manages to get another talk show, I won't be tuning in.

That's really it.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:39 AM