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Location: Northern California, United States

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

How Long Has It Been?

I feel like I haven't talked to you, my internet ho's, in a million years. If I told you everything going on in my life, you'd feel the same I think.

I'm getting a divorce. Did you know that? Some of you do. Well there you go. I was married for 12 years and it was a pretty long boring rut to be in. We both feel exactly the same way about it, and there is a little comfort in that. We have a house that we can't sell. So at this point, we are roommates. Kind of like Three's Company without any sexual inuendo.

Now I'm trying to figure out where to go from here. I live in a small town away from friends and family. My life has been here. I work here, I live here and now that things have changed, I don't see how I can go on here. I live in the kind of town where if you go out with someone and you are seen, or even if you are not, the hens will be talking about it in the grocery store the next day.

Rule #1 for me is, don't date anyone in town.

Now, I can hear you already out there in interspace, dating? I can't believe she's talking about dating. WHORE Well look, yea I was married for a long time. The break-up happened earlier this spring. You think it's too soon? Well I've been lonely for 12 years. I've been sad and lonely and now, it's time. Time for ME.

So I went on a date.

Yea, I already did. See, it has been a long time since we talked hasn't it? I called a girlfriend the other day and had to leave her a message about it. She called me back yesterday and said date? Was I hearing things?? Did you say you went on a date?? YEA. I DID. (sorry mom, I haven't told you yet. Email to come)

I "bumped" into this person at Walmart of all places. I'm trying to figure out how I'm still supposed to hate Walmart, even though Saturday, it was a totally fun place to be. haha I did tell him straight up later that I'm a Target Girl and that is a deal breaker for me.

We went to dinner Sunday night at Olive Garden. Canoodled. I thought the whole time, I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know how to date. I'm not a casual dater. I've dated 5 guys and 4 of them were long term boyfriends, one I married. One was just gross, but we aren't even gong there.

It was fun to be with someone and laugh. And then? hahahahahaha

Then I went home and proceeded to get the flu. I thought it was nerves. I kept thinking, I'm at Olive Garden! Pass the salad! Pass the bread! I couldn't eat. I took home my entire entree and a dessert that he bought for me. I kept thinking what a dick I am. Well, it turned out that I just had the flu. I've been sick ever since. I'm mustering the energy this morning to write to you, from a banana and some pulpy orange juice.

I think that's pretty much it with me...Now I'm going to check and see what the eff is up with y'all!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 10:15 AM