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Location: Northern California, United States

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Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's That Time

So, it's January 24th. I think it's about time to put those "good intentions" we have every new year into action. I hate to use the word resolution. The only thing I'm resolute about is the fact that my ass has quadrupled in size every year since the birth of my child. And for those of you playing at home, that would be 11 years. I stopped by my friends house tonight on the way home from work. She has more energy than any 3 year old I know! She's young, a LOT younger than me. She has four kids, two step daughters of the pre-teen variety that live with her full time and two very young children, ages 3 and 1. (She's friggin craZAY) She chases her kids all day, takes on another little one, you know for fun. She caters to her man every night. Oh yeah, you know what I mean. AND she finds the time and energy to go to the gym and work her ass off four nights a week! I on the other hand, have only one child and at this point, she's self sufficient. Frankly, I can pretty much take care of her from the couch. I DON'T cater to my man. He'll be the first one to tell you that. If I feel like cooking dinner at night I will, if not I'll tell him to make it his own damn self. Or better yet, make MY dinner bitch! Yeah, I know you worked hard, but shit my TiVo is backing up.

It's really time for a change. I'm still gonna be watching TiVo at night, ohmygod, I'm never giving that up. NEVER! What I mean is, I'm setting the alarm tomorrow for the Butt ASS crack of dawn (5:45), and I'm draggin said ass out for a walk! It's a good way to start the day right? I've had the shoes. Cute orange ones to match a sweater. And cute green ones that match another sweater. You're getting the picture right? L-O-S-E-R Well this loser is gonna do it. JUST DO IT! Yeah! NIKE! Whoa, I'm getting dizzy with all the excitement. I better get back to that couch.

I just told Joey that I was gonna be exercising in the morning so I wouldn't be able to cuddle with him anymore.

Maybe I need to re-think this...

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:07 PM