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Friday, April 07, 2006

I Knew Having a Dog Would Suck Ass

Thanks for telling me. She's just a puppy. I know. I need to train her, work with her. I know, I KNOW. My daughter needs to be sure and pick her crap off the floor so Minnie doesn't eat it. Yeah, she knows, but she doesn't give a fuck.

This destructive behavior started getting on my nerves yesterday when I came home at lunch and found she'd dug a hole in the dirt of a potted plant by the door. Chewed up one of my favorite flip flops and the puppy wee wee training pads. I hadn't crate trained her for two reasons. One, she wasn't crate trained when I got her and she's almost 9 months old. Two, she's so small and looked at me with these huge eyeballs that said, "I'll be good. Just leave me in the livingroom. I'll sleep on my bed all day and only chew on the cats my bone. Oh, and could you leave the TV on so I don't feel so alone?" Yea, I'm a sucker. Underneather my bangs, it's stamped right there on my forehead. This is why I wear bangs.

This morning we were met in the hall way by a poo poo platter of a pencil, I think, a lip smackers, orange flavored, Homer Simpson's head etc. Yes, this did make her sick. Thanks for asking. I yelled. I told M to call and send her back. I can't take it anymore!!! Then I got in the shower and started thinking how this was really my fault. (you can see now how I feel about everything my kid does which is why having a dog sucks ASS!!!! I have enough guilt) I Told M to forget what I said. I'll work with her. He said yeah, I wasnt' going to call. He knows me. He knows I would have taken it out on him that my poor little baby was going back to the puppy farm!

I've decided that during the day, I'm keeping her in the kitchen on the tile. She's pee and poo to her hearts content and it's easier to clean up. I am still trying to get her to use the puppy pads. I also need to keep her out of Autumn's room at night when ever possible. When the brat is asleep, I need to just shut her door. Or I could use the baby gate to keep her in my bedroom. Because I can clean up my floor. I give a fuck. I need to take a lot more deep breaths. Oh, and I'm getting her a muzzle so she doesn't chew on the cats. Just to train her. Not to muzzler her forever. She's been snappy. The cats are pretty good with her. They just want to sniff her butt. duh.

I have a plan and it's time to execute it. Or else, I am going to live on the puppy farm!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:45 AM