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Location: Northern California, United States

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It's a Whole New Me
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I'm Ready for a Vacation
Think Small
Why Do I Stress?
Let There Be Fence
America's got talent?
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Monday, June 26, 2006

Birthday Weekend

This birthday was absolutely the best I've had in awhile. Normally I spend my birthday sleeping or sulking. This year I was showered with love froom Thursday through Sunday. I'm a little let down it's actually over today. ha! I took a pass on dieting this week so that I could have homemade carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, a prime-rib dinner (enough for leftovers again last night), 4 strawberry daquiri's and too many other things to count. I unofficially gained 3 lbs, but I'm going to use my no weigh pass tomorrow night so it won't be on my record. Kind of like doing traffic school. WW is closed next week for the 4th, so by the time we return, I will have lost the 3 lbs and then some. I like that I can be totally honest with you people. We're all friends right? Hey, you...knucklehead...keep your comments to yourself!

We started off the birthday-fest with cake and presents on Thursday. I ate salad so that I could have 3 peices of cake. (yes, I do in fact have an eating disorder. It's called Ifuckinglovecakeitis. Sadly, there is no cure.) I received some lovely smelling gifts (DKNY Be Delicious lotion). I went and got my doo done. I told her to do chunkier highlights. She did. I hate it. I look way too washed out. It will begin to fade in another week or two. Thankfully, she charges me probably half of what her normal fee is. I'm not sure why, but I don't ask. Friday I took off work early to purchase the goodies for Saturday's party. I spent $78 on food and $78 on booze. It was a good party. It started off a little slow and hot. My guests starting wilting in the shade like the dead plants in front of the house. We moved indoors with the air conditioning. I opened more presents (more booze and party-ware and a lovely Friends collage photo frame) My crazy neighbor said that he had the DVD for Live Aid from 1985 and that he would bring it over. What a blast from the past. We shared memories of watching this live, who are "boyfriends" were... It was so long, though, that I kept fast forwarding through stuff, sorry J, to get to the good stuff. Let me just say again, Damn George Michael has a great ass.

As we were watching the DVD, I noticed my neighbor becoming increasingly beligerant, not in a bad way, but not his normal more quiet way. He brought over a bottle of tequila and kept shaking it in my face. "Do a shot with me, for your birthday." Ok, ok. Geez, but I'm pouring it myself. I had two but really, it would count together as one. Funny pic of the second one can be seen here. We continuing watching the DVD and I turn back to say something to neighbor and he's gone. hmmm Didn't say goodbye, thanks for the food, nothing. Later, his wife came to pick up their kids and said that he was sicker than the dog he is! That'll teach ya. Doing shots isn't all it's cracked up to be. M told me later that neighbor had called him during the party and said he wasn't feeling well and he wouldn't be coming back but didn't want anyone to know. BAWAHAHAHAHA Wives always give it away!

Thank you to my friends who came out and enjoyed the day with me. I will be happy to return the favor to you.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 12:42 PM