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Location: Northern California, United States

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I'm Ready for a Vacation
Think Small
Why Do I Stress?
Let There Be Fence
America's got talent?
Long Day
You've Got Mail
Thursday Thirteen

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

Introducing BoBo Kitty

This is BoBo Kitty. He works with me and we share a desk. His hobbies are licking himself, licking you and head butting. He's 18 lbs of purrr lovin. Ain't he sweet?


A few months back, our former shop kitty, Eddie, died of old fucking age. A week later, Autumn was volunteering at the vet in town and an older woman brought this cat in (it had already been declawed) and said that she didn't want him anymore and wanted him put to sleep. Can you believe that? After having him declawed and everything?? Bitch. I told work about the kitty and we went that day to pick him up. He pretty much sleeps all day and cats around at night. I love working in a small town, in a small shop where my co-workers are cute and furry!

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:11 AM