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Location: Northern California, United States

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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Down Came The Rain

It's our first rainy morning. Feels good actually. It came quickly. I went to the grocery store last night and it was dry as a bone. Came out and it was raining. The rain seems to have washed all my anxiety away. For now. Autumn called me right after reading my little message. I told her I was proud of her for coming to me and fessing up. But when I say no, her response shouldn't be to go behind my back. She's kicked off the internet for one month and she deleted the sight. She took it like a man and didn't bitch or moan. I told her to turn off the TV and clean my house good. About an hour later, she and her name calling friend had made up. Another neatly tied up little package. I felt like yesterday ended like a good episode of the Brady Bunch. Everybody learned their lesson. WHEW!

I went home yesterday and got back on the treadmill. It's funny, I look at the clock and say ok I'll do 30 minutes. I get one and usually the first 10 minutes are painful. Feet hurt, shins hurt, knees hurt. I'm not very good at stretching before hand. As time goes by, I keep telling myself. Ok 35 minutes. I can do. Alright 36. Well now I may as well do a full 40. hahaha I guess I'm my own little cheerleader. Maybe I should wear that raider cheerleading outfit while I'm walking! Ok, that was a sick joke. Sorry.

Today I shall think about a 30-40 minute walk, staying off the Coach website to get a purse and hope that my world doesn't come crashing down on me again like hail.

posted by Autumn's Mom at 8:18 AM