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Location: Northern California, United States

Hey. I see you there. Thanks for the visit, hope I'll be seeing you again soon.

Mean Girls
It's Friday, But It Doesn't Feel Like It!
Prom Night
Wordless Wednesday
Monday Morning Review
Who Am I You Ask?
Happy Admin Professionals Day!
Scott Baio is 45
Had a Bad Day

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Do You Know Where Your Prom Date Is?

Sunshine has decided to throw a Blog Prom. Isn't she cute? I decided to bite the bullet and ask Jules to be my date. She has graciously let me be the girly girl and wear a dress. She'll be rockin a tux. There should be fun and mayem over there, so go check it out.

Back to our soap opera that is my life. After I posted our sob story about mean girls, Autumn called me around 1 PM and wanted me to come pick her up. My first instinct was to fly over there on my broomstick and start kicking butt. But I didn't. I told her I wouldn't come get her and that she had to stick it out til three. I told her if someone was bothering her she needed to tell the principal or her teacher. Somehow during our conversation, she thought I hung up on her. I could hear her in the back ground talking to the school secretary. I let her believe it and she hung up. I waited a few minutes and called back to talk to the secretary and see what was going on over there. She said she would having a few words with the boys in question and that she would be letting them know she was in no mood for any shenanigans. (haha when was the last time you used the word shenanigans??)

I picked up a mopey Autumn at three. She wouldn't tell me what happened and I let it go. When we got home, I told her that I was lifting her restriction (from a couple of months ago) and that she was starting with a clean slate at home. My thinking was that I wanted her to know I was totally on her side. That I was proud of her for taking her punishment with some maturity and that time was served. Everything was returned, even the computer although it will be supervised only from now on. This, obviously, turned her frown upside down. I told her that whatever these kids said to her at school, it was their problem. She knows who she is and that her family loves and supports her. And also, she knows who her true friends are. And that is really all that matters. She still wants to move and change schools..but that is a discussion for another day.

Now my internet clan, picture me in grey sweats, jogging up those steps in Philly. DANANA DANANA DANANA DANANA

posted by Autumn's Mom at 9:19 AM